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From starting off as a Gospel blog, Awe & Wonder is now a Gospel-based community. We run a mid-week Bible study gathering, where we explore the treasure that is in the Bible.
We are also online, where we intend to write and share inspiring stories – stories of hope, testimonies, and Christian blog posts highlighting the wonder and majesty of Jesus.
We hope this space inspires and blesses you. We hope it makes you dig deep. You will see yourself in a lot of the stories, but the whole point of this is that we grow smaller as we grow closer to Jesus. The whole point is that we would take our rightful place in the story and realise : it’s not about us. We get to be in the story but we have to get out of our own way.
This story is about Him…
We are praying that this corner of ours sets you to dig deeper, get to the root of things you’ve been dealing with, ask questions and ultimately know God better.
“I’m not trying to make you feel small. I’m trying to help you see that you are small. But it’s significant insignificance; cause as tiny as we are, we are known and prized by Majesty, who sent for us and loves us and knows us, even though we are teeny tiny little bitty people on a little bitty speck floating through the vast cosmos that He has made. He knows us and is aware of us and He loves us and has come to invite us into a relationship with Him that will never ever end.” – Louie Giglio, Indescribable
Louie Giglio, Indescribable
When I consider Your Heavens,
The work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which You have set in place,
What is man that You are mindful of him?
Human beings that you care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4
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No, it’s not about us. It’s about diving into the greatest story ever told, because the Author has invited us in.
It’s about Him!
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