
May 14, 2017

With so many #MothersDay posts going up on Facebook and other posts stating that they don’t need a ‘Mothers’ Day’ to express their love for their mothers, I think it’s great that so many of us take a day out to recognize and appreciate that special woman in our life. As we grow up, we begin to understand the love she has showered upon us, the sacrifices she has made, the hard choices she has had to make so that we could have the best. She’s the one who has been unselfishly happy for us through every moment of joy or victory and she’s the one who’s felt our sorrow through every moment of hardship in our lives. I think it’s great that we can spend at least one day acknowledging these facts, although we should be doing that everyday. At the same time, I’d like us to take a moment;

…a moment to think about the little child out there who has just lost his mother today,

…a moment to think about the single dad who cannot tell his wife what a wonderful mother she is today,

…to think about the single mother who is struggling and weeping, hoping that she is going to be enough for her children,

…to think about your friend, who has been through a rough year, because he or she lost his / her mother recently,

…to think about the woman lying in a hospital ward tonight, fighting for her life, for her children’s sake,

…to think about the mother in poverty, who is hoping that she will be able to feed her family today,

…To think about the mother who is grieving the loss of her child, the mother who’s suffered a miscarriage,

…to think about the children around the world in orphanages, the one’s who’ve lost their loved ones and the ones who’ve been abandoned.

Take a moment to think, a moment to pray. Realize how blessed you are, and if there is anyone whose face popped into your head while you read this, call them. Tell them you’re there for them, tell them you’re praying for them….tell them they’re not alone.

And then smile, give your Mamma a hug, wash the dishes for her, make that cup of tea, put up a Facebook post with her, show her that you love her in all the little ways that she relentlessly shows you. You know there’s no one else who deserves it more than her.

Cheers to you Mammas, Happy Mother’s Day!

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 31 Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. - Proverbs 31:28-31

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