“It’s been a rough year” has been the slogan of this season. 2020 has indeed been a crazy year with unexpected twists and turns.
The world has changed so much. The words ‘COVID-19’, ‘Corona’, ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown’ seem to be the words that we will always remember 2020 by. So many people were affected, by it, and so many lives were lost.
But that’s not it. Not only were we hit with COVID, we were also hit with the many other storms that life threw at us.
Some of us lost our loved ones, and the pain of that loss is still so close.
Some of us lost jobs, and the future has seemed uncertain ever since.
Some of us struggled as depression and anxiety took over, and we were left struggling and wondering if we’d ever get through it.
Some of us spent the year waiting for something, and we are ending the year, still waiting.
We experienced pain, fear, doubts, rejection, insecurity, trials, temptations, sicknesses, worry, anxiety, suffering, sorrow, and we were left feeling heartbroken.
That’s what 2020 has been for so many of us.
I know that because some of that has been true of me.
I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve found myself crying, or on how many bike rides, I’ve had to wipe my tears away.
I’ve been afraid, and I’ve doubted. I’ve been insecure, scared, anxious and worried.
It’s all been real.
But there is one thing that I’ve been convinced of this year; this one thing that I’ve read and heard many many times, but never experienced until now.
And it is this very powerful truth –
“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted…” – Psalm 34:18
Indeed He is!
I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve just cried out to God this year. And believe me when I say this, that I have never experienced His Presence the way I have this year.
Through it all – through all the fears and worries – He has only drawn closer and closer.
Somehow, it seems, that the more brokenhearted I was, the closer He got.
Well, that’s what the verse promises, doesn’t it?
It is true. He really is close. And His heart breaks with our sorrow. He weeps with us. And He holds us, in the midst of our pain, reassuring us that it is Him who is in control, and that everything is going to be okay.
In this year, I have known His love for me like never before, and that has been a bigger blessing than anything I could’ve hoped for.
Jesus Himself said it – “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4
I have come to believe that the blessing isn’t in the comfort, but in the Comforter.
He longs to comfort you today. No matter where or who you are, no matter what you’ve gone through, this year or the last, He wants to hold you close, and tell you – that it’s going to be okay.
You don’t have to hide your pain. You get to go to Him, directly, and be honest with Him. You get to cry out to Him, and pour it all out at His feet.
And as you do that, just know – that He is close.
He is closer than you know.
P.S. – On the 30th of December 2020, some of us are gathering together in Bangalore, to cry out to God and to be completely honest with Him in worship from 6:30pm, remembering that God is close to the brokenhearted. If you would like to join us, please contact us at +91 9886675654.