If we believe that the image of God is in every person…

April 25, 2019

“I went to India to work with women and children who were trafficked into sex slavery. Most of these women were Nepalese and ended up working as forced prostitutes in India’s famous red-light districts.

Their children were literally born into brothels and knew nothing of life except violence, rape and hunger.

Although I wasn’t able to rescue the women from their situation, I was able to offer hope and empowerment for the survivors and children. I led dance therapy sessions, helping to reconnect the survivors to their bodies and allowing them to see themselves as beautiful creations of God.

The area we were working in was devastatingly poor and malaria infested. And as an anti-trafficking activist, I was in danger from the traffickers and brothel owners. My parents pleaded with me to leave, but I couldn’t stay away.

I could see God in each of their bloodshot, traumatized, beautiful eyes, begging me to touch, to comfort, to hug, and ultimately to love them.

If Christians believe that the image of God is in every person, why don’t we act like it?

Why do we turn our eyes from the poor, the widows, the orphans and the prostitutes?

Although prayer is necessary and helps bring comfort, it’s not enough to truly alleviate suffering. God didn’t send His Son to pray for us but rather to act for us.

The only thing that upsets me more than downright evil acts are people who allow injustice to happen with their inaction. Jesus transformed God’s message into action, and it should be our mission to devote our lives to similar action.”

-from Mark Batterson’s book, Draw the Circle

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Jame 1:27

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