Turn your tears into something better
I could feel the tears fill up my eyes as my anxiety turned to fear, and the fear gave way to anger. I was frustrated.
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I could feel the tears fill up my eyes as my anxiety turned to fear, and the fear gave way to anger. I was frustrated.
Ever began to wonder that you may be sacrificing too much, and giving up too many things just to know this God?
I could look at these people in the Bible and say, “These guys are so dumb. Why can’t they sit still for 5 seconds? Why do they need to make something to worship?”
What is up with all those laws? Food laws house laws, laws telling you how to shave (or how not to), laws about homosexuality…
Every morning there is a massive fight between my 3 year old daughter and my 2 year old son about toothbrushes.
I design websites for a living; and a couple of days back, I was working on one of my client’s websites. The problem was, I just wasn’t getting the design right.
Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to speak to a couple of people about their relationship with God.
2021 seems to be a great year to study the book of Job. It’s a story of a guy (named Job) who suffers a great
I recently heard an audio sermon by the preacher David Pawson, during which he spoke about a television program about sheepdogs.
You feel so confused and alone. You’re likely looking up and saying, “What is this? Why is this happening? This isn’t what I signed up for.”
No, it’s not about us. It’s about diving into the greatest story ever told, because the Author has invited us in.
It’s about Him!
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