Not too long ago, my father had a heart attack. It was a difficult time, because we were in a rocky place financially, and we had no insurance.
We tried to take him to the hospital, but my father was very against the idea, believing that we would be scammed. He believed his symptoms would pass in a day or two.
But it was clear that it was quite serious. We forcefully took him to a clinic to get an ECG, and it was there that they informed us that it could be fatal, and that he needed to start treatment immediately.
We rushed him into the ICU, and the doctors informed us that they would have to perform an angioplasty.
We panicked, because we didn’t have the finances. The pandemic, of course, did not help the situation.
The block in his heart also grew because we had waited for so long. If we had gone earlier, the issue may have been fixed with just an injection, but because of the wait, it got much worse.
Generally, I can be quite emotional. It doesn’t take much to make me cry.
But somehow, in this situation, before the emotions hit, I found the strength to pray and ask God what is happening.
And I got His response in one line ringing in my head – ‘It’s not his time yet.’
That was enough for me.
My father went in for the surgery.
I did not have to ask a single person for money. People called us to ask about my father’s help, and they voluntarily decided to help with the bills. Everything just fell into place.
We not only had enough for the surgery, but we also had more than enough for the post-op care.
My father was out of the ICU in a week’s time.
The thing is, when God declares something, it is done. I just had to hold on to Him.
I just knew that if my father was going into the surgery, he was also going to come out, and that’s just what happened.
God kept me in perfect peace through the situation. It was so strange that people asked me if I was only trying to be strong for my family.
I wasn’t trying anything. My heart was just surrendered to God.
My father’s health is good now. God has been so good, and so faithful.
And I have learnt that no matter what the situation, you can always just look to Him, and He will answer.
-Jessica Fernandes

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