How to face your giants
Many of us admire the story of David and Goliath. We read it and are amazed at how a tiny little boy, with just a
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Many of us admire the story of David and Goliath. We read it and are amazed at how a tiny little boy, with just a
It is important to realize that the not-so-obvious sins are just as effective at keeping you from entering through the narrow gate.
2021 seems to be a great year to study the book of Job. It’s a story of a guy (named Job) who suffers a great
This year looks quite different from any others. We are living in times we’ve never walked through before and so it’s hard to predict what
He remembered setting up the house together, how strong it had been when they first built it. He was close…and that’s when he saw it.
Recently I had the opportunity to share about my hero of Faith from the Bible for the wonderful Worship Clan and after going back and forth