Tag: Christianity

why be strong and take courage?
Our Writings

Why should you be strong and courageous?

“Be strong. Be courageous. Believe in yourself. You’ve got this.” We’ve probably heard this, or something like this said to us before. We’ve read it

stop romanticizing the past
Our Writings

Stop romanticizing the past

Over the last week, I’ve been studying the book of Exodus and by chapter 14, a lot of interesting stuff has gone down. Moses has

Jesus loves you
Our Writings

Even when He takes away the good

There’s a story in the Bible that a lot of us are familiar with – Jacob wrestling with God in Genesis. Jacob wasn’t on the

Cross of Jesus Christ pendant - Happy Easter
Our Writings

Victory is coming with the morning

The story of the week of Jesus’ death on Good Friday is the most purpose-in-the-pain filled story of all time. All in one night, we

Hamsa and Timothy
They said it

When everyone looks for the drone…

Recently, I attended a friend’s wedding reception with my sister and some of her friends. I love weddings because they mean amazing free food and

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