Tag: surrender

take this gift from God
Our Writings

Would you take this gift from me?

The story of Jesus coming isn’t a pretty ‘Christian’ story. It’s not prim, proper or ideal when we think about kings and what they deserve. Not the

You will lose
Our Writings

You are going to lose

Very often, we set out to do something good, something great for God and for ourselves, and we realize that while we’re at it, we

admit your need for help
They said it

Are you willing to admit your need?

“Back in the day, when a ship sailed into the treacherous waters, often the captain had to acknowledge that he lacked the sufficient knowledge of

A mothers love
They said it

The Prodigal Mother

As part of the Little More Love team, we visit patients who have been affected by cancer once a month. Over the past year, I’ve had the

Happy Easter
Our Writings

Happy Easter Fools Day

It’s been such a strange year! First, Ash Wednesday clashed with Valentine’s Day, making it Va-LENT-ine’s Day, and now Easter is on the same day as April Fool’s

the highlight of his career boat

At the Highlight of My Career

“I can’t believe it! This is probably the most unbelievable thing that’s ever happened to me. For years, I have struggled with this business. I

the much awaited music concert

The much awaited concert

Two minutes to show time. The musician prepared himself. Cradling his guitar, he checked its tuning again. The instrument was ready, the stage, set; the

Independence is not the same as freedom


“I can do it”, he thought to himself, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He stood in the long queue, waiting for his turn. His

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