Going deeper into the Bible with The Bible Project

Over the past few weeks, we’ve got to have conversations with some people and it turns out, many of us have difficulties in reading / understanding the Bible. It confuses, baffles and sometimes makes it hard for us to continue and press on. And if there’s one thing we’ve learnt through the prayer challenge, is doing something together makes the journey so much sweeter and easier.

You may be familiar with a Youtube channel called The Bible Project. They have these amazing short videos that help explain each book of the Bible clearly.
You may have watched one or two, or may not have heard of them at all.

We were thinking of going through each video one by one, day by day (they’re about 6 mins each).

Of course, they’re all publicly available, and you can watch them anytime and anywhere.
But we thought it would be great if we could do it together. Soak and dig deep together. If God does something explosive or reveals something really cool to you, we could share and encourage one another.

How does it work?

You just say yes by clicking on the button below and hitting SEND, and we’ll send you one link a day for you to watch. And then maybe we could talk / text about it if you want to.

It’s pretty straightforward.

The goal isn’t to be the fastest or the smartest. Enjoy yourself. Take it at your own pace. Listen to it as much as you can. Try to take notes if you want + highlight what speaks to you.

Our prayer for you in this time:

“God, I am here and I am ready to learn from you. Open my eyes to the text and help me to go deeper with you than I thought possible. Highlight new things. Make your presence known. Reveal your heart through your word and change me as I go. Amen “

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