We want to do something for God

September 17, 2019

Welcome to the new Awe & Wonder site. We hope this place blesses you, and that the stories that are put up here reach out to your heart, cause questions to rise within you, give you the answers that you are looking for, and stir up within you affections for Jesus.

This site exists because we asked God to use us for His glory, and as we prayed, we let Him know our hearts’ desire to do something for Him.

I guess you could say we felt a little like how King David felt when he wanted to build a temple for God. No doubt, he had the best intentions at heart, and we believe we did too.

And yet, to David, God said NO.


Because God had other plans.

He continues

“Are you the one to build Me a house to dwell in?”

God says, in II Samuel 7:5

“The LORD declares to you that the LORD Himself will establish a house for you.”

II Samuel 7:11

What just happened? Well, God took David’s desire to do something for God and turned it upside down.

In a way, David’s HUGE plans to build a temple for God were way too small in God’s eyes.

God turns the request upside down and basically says, “You’re not going to build a house for Me, I’m going to build a house for you, and this one will never be destroyed.”

And through David, came King Jesus, whose house, whose kingdom, will never pass away.

Most of us make plans with our lives and wonder if they’ll ever pan out. We look at the lives of others, compare our plans with theirs, and even compare how far ahead they are in accomplishing their plans than we are.

And yet, to God, our plans – yours and mine, may be too small, and He has so much more in store.  He’s looking at you right now, and inviting you into a journey that is not just about you; a journey that involves blessings, joys, sorrows, and most importantly, a relationship with Him, all of which will leave you in awe of who He is.

We started Awe & Wonder with a humble request, “Lord, let us write for you.”

Like He did to David, God has reminded us gently that our big plans are too small for Him, and that He has better in store.

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth…And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything.”

Acts 17:24-25

So here we are again, with a new website, with plans to post stories, testimonies, video messages, music and more, but with God ahead of us, reminding us that this is not us doing something for Him, but rather this is Him turning our request upside down.

This is a privilege and a provision from God to us, and we hope and pray that you will join us as you dive in, to share in this privilege.

"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived", the things God has prepared for those who love him. - 1 Corinthians 2:9

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