What you need to change the world

June 25, 2019

Have you ever looked at the world around you and watched people impact the world? And I mean really impact the world?

Have you watched as people you have studied with, or worked with, or grown up with, rise to powerful positions and make a difference? Have you scrolled through Facebook or Instagram and read stories of them changing policies, impacting lives, or simply just live-it-big? Maybe even inspire people?

And have you, in that moment, stopped and wondered – “if I wasn’t here, but there, I could really change the world?”

If I was richer, things would be so different.

If I was smarter, I could be in a different country and be in a powerful position to do something.

If I had grown up in a better community, I would be influencing thousands right now.

If I had a better job…

If I had picked a better course…

If I had done better in my exams….

If I was anywhere else but here….things would be so different.

“You are the light of the world”, Jesus said.

“You are the salt of the earth”, He continued.

Light, a symbol of hope, and a guide to those who are in darkness.

Salt, a preservative to prevent rot and decay in a dying world.

Jesus looks at you and says – that’s what you are. You get to have influence. You get to impact the world.

And I know that doesn’t really answer your questions or your fears. You still wonder, and argue –

“Yeah, I could be salt and light. But I could be those if I were actually in an influential position.”

We’ve all felt this way.

But get this. Those words were not said to kings and rulers.

They were said to fisherman, farmers and shepherds.

They were said to tax collectors (who were outcasts) and prostitutes.

“You are light” and “you are salt’ were said to the lowest people of that day.

These were people who probably didn’t have the same fear or insecurity about making a difference and having a purpose that we have. All they wanted to do was earn their daily bread, and provide for their families.

And Jesus looks at these people, ever so kindly, and says – you can change the world.

He looks at you, and me, and ever so kindly reminds us that we are right where we need to be – and that that’s where we can start changing the world.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:16

4 Responses

  1. Thank you for writing this. Spoke right at my insecurity and inferiority complex.
    Feeling more content and blessed after reading this 🙂

  2. Thank you for writing this. Spoke right at my insecurity and inferiority complex.
    Feeling more content and blessed after reading this 🙂

  3. Lovely simple and powerful piece Nestin. Love seeing the way you are being salt and light everyday. Huge hugs and God bless.

  4. Lovely simple and powerful piece Nestin. Love seeing the way you are being salt and light everyday. Huge hugs and God bless.

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