What would you do if you knew today was your last day alive

July 31, 2018

What would you do if you knew that today was your last day on earth?

If you knew, that tomorrow, you would cease to exist? That you would die?

What would you do?

We asked people what they would do and the responses ranged from hilarious to deeply impactful.

Some of them are here –

“I don’t think I’ll change anything. What scares me is that today isn’t the last day”

“I’ll play my guitar on a platform where the entire world can see her, in all her glory”

Oh yeah, I’d definitely buy a new guitar just to do this.

“Don’t know. I’ll probably watch ‘The Shack’”

Now I’m curious to know what’s so great about ‘The Shack’.

“I will write letters of gratitude, get a dog, eat Maggi, reminisce with friends and family”

Yes to everything except for the Maggie!

“Travel to the most beautiful place I can and then thank everyone for the times we spent together”

Oh yes!

“I’d spend time with my family”

Fam time is jam time.

“I wouldn’t do anything, but say a prayer, meeting people is too much emotion and drama. I may leave a note though.”

Avoiding drama like its the plague.

“I would wait and see how many would come and talk to me knowing it’s my last day”

I’d die just out of dis appointment if people didn’t come.

“I would eat lots of biriyani”


“I would call my bass guitarist and tell him to stop playing the wrong notes”

By the way, I’m the bass guitarist he’s referring to. Touché!

“I’d wake up early and ride to the closest hill or a helipad to catch the sunrise, then gather the people I love and have Sulaimani tea with them”

Add Biriyani to this combo and I’m in.

“I’d honestly spend the whole day regretting the mistakes I’ve made”

Finally, some brutal honesty.

“Have a HUGE barbeque with everyone I love, play some good music and dance”

Why do the food choices in these responses keep getting better?

“I’d read and doodle”

And avoid people cause they’re too much drama.

Want to know what I’d do? I’d win every argument I’ve ever had with someone like Rosa Diaz would.


My conflict management styles are the best!

But seriously, I don’t know if this is true, but we’ve all, at some point in our lives, either thought about this, or joked about it.

“What would I do if today was my last day alive?”

From spending time with loved ones, eating junk food, going crazy, to doing something we love, we’ve had some sort of idea, whether it’s realistic or not, on how we would live that day.

There are movies made on this, probably some books written on it. There are many many quotes based on just this topic.

But the truth is that almost all of us are never going to know if today is our last day.

You and I are not going to know if we’re going to die today, or tomorrow, or the day after that.

We do not get to have that knowledge – that gift, or that curse.

But let this hit you, and let it hit you deep – somebody did.

Somebody knew when His last day on earth was.

And He knew just how He was going to spend it.

Jesus knew.

And He washed feet.

Now that I, your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet - John 13:14

Based on this tweet by Steve Bezzner

12 Responses

  1. Oh my!!!!! This is sooooo beautiful!! Why you make me cry ya? Just why?? Also it’s amazing the way you put together your thoughts ♥

  2. Oh my!!!!! This is sooooo beautiful!! Why you make me cry ya? Just why?? Also it’s amazing the way you put together your thoughts ♥

  3. Your posts are just superb!!
    You never cease to amaze me with your writing and jaw-dropping endings!
    Thanking God for a writer like you ❤️

  4. Your posts are just superb!!
    You never cease to amaze me with your writing and jaw-dropping endings!
    Thanking God for a writer like you ❤️

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