One day, a prophet said to the Lord, “What do you want me to do today?”
And the Lord said, “I want you to go and find a prostitute in the street.”
“But I’m a preacher.”
“Go and find a prostitute.”
“Well, what do you want me to do with her?”
“Marry her.”
“What then Lord?”
“Well, then you’ll have three children. She will love the first one, but she won’t love the second one and the third, Mr. Preacher, won’t even be yours so call it ‘not mine.’”
“What do I do then Lord?”
“Well, then I’m afraid she’s going to go back on the streets to her old profession.”
“And leave me with the three kids?”
“So what do I do about that?”
“You go and find her, and you buy her back from the pimp that’s controlling her, and you bring her back home, and you love her again.”
“And then what, Lord?”
“Then go and tell my people, that’s how I feel about them.”
-David Pawson
PS – Incase you didn’t know, this is the book of Hosea in a nutshell. You can also watch and learn more about this beautiful book that’s in the Bible, by watching the video below