A bunch of clumsy dimwits running on court, unaware of what to do

February 20, 2020

Have you ever been part of a college basketball or football team? Or part of any sports team?

And have you ever been one of the better performing players on that team?

Maybe you’ve been the team captain, or MVP, or maybe even coach.

If yes, then have you ever had someone on your team who’s not that good? Who’s kinda clumsy and goofy and who you believe shouldn’t have ever been on that team?

You know what I’m talking about. The one who can’t make a decent pass, and still asks for the ball constantly. Or the one who wants to shoot the second he gets the ball because he believes he’s the best shooter in history because of one successful free throw moment he had ten years ago.

If you’ve been leading a team with a player, or players like that, you know that at more instance than one, you’ve wanted to do things to them that wouldn’t come under the category of kindness.

You’ve marveled at how stupid they must’ve been to think they could drive in alone with the ball against a seven-foot player on defense. You’ve never face palmed as hard in your life as you did when you watched them pass the ball directly into the hands of the opponents.

You’ve caught yourself yelling at them and screaming at the top of your lungs and just wishing that you had a better player on your team.

Now, imagine you were the only one on your team who actually knew how to play, and the rest of them fit into the description I’ve mentioned above.

Wouldn’t that be frustrating?

Being the only performing player, surrounded by a bunch of foolish, clumsy dimwits in your team has got be enough to drive anyone mad.

And yet, when it comes to Christianity, that’s what we are.

We are bunch of foolish, clumsy dimwits, running around on court, unaware of what to do.

Sometimes, we pass the ball to the opponent, willingly even. Sometimes we try shooting believing that we can do this by ourselves only to fail miserably. And our defense? Boy, we let the opponent run all over us.

 We are terrible at this game.

But our Captain isn’t. He knows how to play. And He’s good.

In fact, He’s the best. He’s not worried at all.

And unlike us, Jesus is not angry with the dimwits in His team.

He gently reminds us that He knows how to play. He asks for the ball and its up to us to give it to Him. And when He gets it, He scores. Over and over again.

He is the MVP.

And He wins.

He takes the team with Him.

And no matter how many times we fail and struggle and try to make it about us, no matter how many times we give Him enough reasons to face palm so hard, He does not get frustrated.

He does not wish He had a better team.

Because He didn’t get stuck with us.

He picked the team Himself.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. - John 15:16

One Response

  1. Amen. John 15:16 is one of my favourite verse. I’m very happy to be able to join you in this group because it encourages me how to live a happy life with God.

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