No, it’s not about us. It’s about diving into the greatest story ever told, because the Author has invited us in.
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2021 seems to be a great year to study the book of Job. It’s a story of a guy (named Job) who suffers a great
I recently heard an audio sermon by the preacher David Pawson, during which he spoke about a television program about sheepdogs.
You feel so confused and alone. You’re likely looking up and saying, “What is this? Why is this happening? This isn’t what I signed up for.”
General Cecil Richardson is a retired chief of chaplains for the United States Air Force. While stationed in D.C, General Richardson attended one of our
Why did Jesus come to earth? Theologians tend to answer that question from a human perspective: He came to show us what God is like,
The most famous story Jesus ever told was about a father and his two sons. One son is a wild, brash party animal. The other