Tag: Father

therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1


You messed up again didn’t you? Even after you promised you wouldn’t? Even after you said this time would be different? You fell again! I’m

take this gift from God
Our Writings

Would you take this gift from me?

The story of Jesus coming isn’t a pretty ‘Christian’ story. It’s not prim, proper or ideal when we think about kings and what they deserve. Not the

The inconvenience of Christmas
Our Writings

The inconvenience of Christmas

I’ve been thinking about the story of Mary this Christmas season. I wonder how inconvenient God’s will in Mary’s life must have been. Do you ever

They said it

Give up your crumbs

It was just another tiring Monday at work. All the employees at our company (that’s three people in all), were hitting roadblocks in our work

You will lose
Our Writings

You are going to lose

Very often, we set out to do something good, something great for God and for ourselves, and we realize that while we’re at it, we

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