Tag: Holy

God's plan for our lives
Our Writings

God’s PLAN A to your prayers

Sometimes I find it hard to write about a story in my life. I struggle to be vulnerable when things are hard and happening furiously around

choosing God over the counterfeit
Our Writings

Choosing God over the counterfeit

There’s this story in the Bible about the earliest years of the people of Israel. They had the World-Maker protecting them, providing for them; they

Cross of Jesus Christ pendant - Happy Easter
Our Writings

Victory is coming with the morning

The story of the week of Jesus’ death on Good Friday is the most purpose-in-the-pain filled story of all time. All in one night, we

therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1


You messed up again didn’t you? Even after you promised you wouldn’t? Even after you said this time would be different? You fell again! I’m

The worse sales plan ever
Our Writings

Worst sales plan ever

We live in a world today where most of us are told that we can be anything in life, and do what we want to

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