The battle in your mind

July 9, 2019

There is an enemy out there. And while we sometimes give the enemy too much credit, I also think there are plenty of times where we don’t give him enough credit; and we don’t’ realize there is real warfare happening around us and our minds are continually used as a battlefield.

If you are facing discouragement, defeat, fear, anxiety, any of it – there is a real battle happening in your mind that you have to show up and fight against.

You’ve got to get serious with the Word of God and show up to put on that precious armor because there is really no way you can walk through this life without it.You have the power to remind yourself that the voice of God does not sound like shame. If your god is discounting you, benching you, bullying you, or belittling then your god is too small and you’ve gotten his voice wrong.

God speaks in promises.

He is not standing in the midst of your story with his arms crossed and his face deflated by how you’ve messed up. He isn’t trying to derail you. He isn’t here to confuse you or make you mess up or leave you hopeless. Your God sees you and He cannot get enough of you. He wants all the parts of you and He wants to love them back to life.

When you hear the fear, take the liberty to stand up and speak back to it.

We are in a battle. We know the outcome but we still have to be equipped for the daily fight.

Armor on, soldier. Armor on.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4

5 Responses

  1. This encouraged me to stand up to fear!
    So often I just cower when the voices of fear and condemnation come, but I’m going to put my armour on and keep fighting

  2. This really touched me and gave me the strength to face my fears. Thank you for this. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not alone is this battlefield of life. I too will put on my armour and keep fighting.

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