When the Dove flies away

April 30, 2020

A couple were sent by their denomination to Israel as missionaries. They were given a home near Jerusalem, and they noticed, a short time after they moved into their house, that a dove had come to live in the eve of the roof of the house. They were so excited.

They saw it as a seal of their being in Israel.

But they noticed that everytime they would slam a door, the dove would fly away. Everytime they would get into an argument with each other, the dove would fly away.

One day, Sandy said to Bernice, “have you noticed the dove?”

“Oh yes, I certainly have.”

“How do you feel about the dove?”

“Oh”, she said, “it’s like a seal of God on our being in Israel.”

He said, “but have you noticed that everytime we slam a door, the dove flies away. Everytime we get into an argument with each other and start shouting, the dove flies away.”

She said, “yes, and I’m so afraid that he’s going to fly away and not come back.”

Sandy looked at his wife and said, “Either the dove adjusts to us…

or we adjust to the dove.

RT Kendall

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. - Ephesians 4:30

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