Are you willing to admit your need?

August 14, 2018

“Back in the day, when a ship sailed into the treacherous waters, often the captain had to acknowledge that he lacked the sufficient knowledge of the area to guide his vessel safely into port through the dangerous rocks and shoals.

When that realization came upon a captain, before the days of modern communication, he would raise a flag that signaled to all around, “I require a pilot.” When that flag ascended the mast, a pilot familiar with the area would jump into his little coracles, row out to the ship, and come aboard. The pilot would then commandeer the vessel and guide it safely through the uncertain seas. To signal to other pilots who may want to come aboard that they were not needed, the vessel would then fly another flag, one that was half red and half white. The flag declared to all who cared to see, “I have a pilot.” No other pilots were needed, and the locals could be assured that this ship was in safe hands.

Are you willing to admit the same need?

In the unpredictable waters of love, we need a guide. Someone familiar with the area. Someone who can navigate us away from the dangers hidden just under the surface that could shipwreck us. One that could lead us safely to shore. The good news is that we need not sail alone. The God who made you and every other human being on the planet can guide you safely home. The Bible tells us that God is love. Do you want a reliable guide in the unknown waves of love? Admit your need. Raise your flag and declare to God that you need Him to take the wheel and guide you.

This is where our journey must begin.”

– Ben Stuart, Single.Dating.Engaged.Married

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your path - Proverbs 3:5-6

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