Come to Me, just as you are

March 26, 2020

The last few days were pretty tough for me. I lost a dear friend  and ex-colleague in a very unexpected and shocking way, and it shook me to my very core.

But in this time, I was reminded that I don’t have to put on a brave face at all times or come to God having everything together to approach Him. 
One of the first invitations Jesus extends to his people is, “Come… if you are tired and worn out, come to me.”

It’s crazy how quickly I can forget that.  How easily I can believe the lie that I need to be polished up with the right attitude, words and posture, before I take my mess to the feet of Jesus.

Maybe that’s you too. Maybe you need the same reminder.

Our God is a “come as you are” God.

And “come as you are” takes on many shapes and forms.

Come as you are – when you can’t stop sobbing.

Come as you are – with all your questions.

Come as you are – when it’s the best day ever.

Come as you are – with all your  anxiety and fears about the future.

Come as you are – when the panic set’s in.

Come as you are – when nothing on your to do list happens and the plan for the day fails.

Don’t think even for a second that you need to shut God out until you can get it altogether. He doesn’t need you fancy and put together. He just wants you. So come, just as you are before you think you need to change a thing, and He will  give you rest.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28

Here’s a cover of HE WILL CARRY YOU, sung by Allan Dason Daniel.

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