“I love the honesty of Jesus. He was always honest with us. I’ve heard testimonies that say, “I came to Jesus and all my troubles were over.” You ever heard a testimony like that? I used to believe them. I don’t now.
My testimony is just the opposite. I came to Jesus in 1947 and my troubles began; got baptized in the Spirit a few years later, and my troubles got worse, and I’ve been in more trouble in the last ten years than in the previous thirty.
Some of you know that.
But, cheer up, says Jesus. He promised us trouble, so my life has fulfilled His promise.
And He told us that there’s going to be big trouble – great tribulation.
Paul (the Apostle) did the same. He told his converts – “through great tribulation, you will enter the Kingdom.”
If you’re heading towards Christ, know this –
You’re heading for trouble.
You will now become a social misfit.
You will become a stranger, a pilgrim, a sojourner passing through.
You will no longer belong to the world in which you were born.
You are now part of a new human race.
Because in Christ, you are a new creation.
You will not fit into this evil world anymore.
The present age will not like you.
It’s the quickest way to be unpopular, to follow Jesus.
In fact, He said, “Woe to you when all men speak well of you.” (Luke 6:26), which is quite a thought.
And here’s a bit of good news for you. Nothing worse will happen to you than what is described in the Bible. You may laugh at that, but it’s good news you know.
What is better – to have the doctor tell you the worst, or to have the doctor not tell you anything?
We want to know the worst and then, we can get ready for it.
Jesus is honest enough to say to us – things are going to get bad.
But take heart. He has overcome the world.”
– David Pawson