Silently he stood, watching and waiting.
His moment had arrived, and he was exactly where he needed to be. Everything he had worked for came down to this.
Destiny was just a few moments away. And though he was nervous, he knew deep down, that he was still in control of the situation.
This was his turf. This was his home ground. The advantage was all his. He had the power.
He had prepared for this. He had spent his life studying, working, and preparing, and now he was where he needed to be.
He stood in silence, watching, waiting.
Time seemed to stand still. Every moment seemed like an eternity.
Drops of sweat fell to the ground.
He looked around and saw both, his friends and his enemies – his teammates and his opponents.
He knew that whey wanted. He knew what he wanted.
He stared into the faces of his opponents. They looked angry, ready to defeat him.
And yet, he knew that they couldn’t. Because he was in control.
This was his turf, and the advantage was his.
He was in control.
He always had been.
It was him who had the final word, as always.
And he continued to stand in silence, waiting for the judge to pronounce the sentence.
“Let Him be crucified,” the crowd shouted.
“So be it,” the judge responded.
And the man stayed silent as he was taken away by his tormentors to his destiny – to his death.
He was still in control.
Here’s a cover of ‘BEAUTIFUL TERRIBLE CROSS’. We pray it blesses you.
A shoutout to the vocalist, Allan Dason, and keyboardist & producer, Royston Pais for being incredible blessings.