I remember all that you have done for me

March 5, 2019

Lord, I remember all that You have done for me.

I was alone, and You were there for me.

You were my provider when I was in need.

When I wept, You were there by my side, comforting me.

When I was weak, You lifted me up

When I was afraid, You told me not to be

When I was down, You encouraged me

When I was hated, You loved me

When I mourned, You cried with me

When I rejoiced, You laughed with me

When I was anxious, You hugged me

When I was dying, You rescued me

Lord, I remember all that You have done for me.

My child, I remember all that you have done for me.

I was alone, and you were there for me.

You were my provider when I was in need.

When I wept, you were there by my side, comforting me.

When I was weak, you lifted me up

When I was afraid, you told me not to be

When I was down, you encouraged me

When I was hated, you loved me

When I mourned, you cried with me

When I rejoiced, you laughed with me

When I was anxious, you hugged me

When I was dying, you rescued me

My child, My friend, My beloved…I remember all that you have done for Me

The King will reply, "truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me." - Matthew 25:40

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