
October 20, 2016

Sometimes you’ll be passionately in love with Jesus and sometimes you won’t.
But don’t beat yourself up for it.

Be prepared for the seasons when you’ll barely hang on to God by a thread and other seasons where you’ll be so head over heels for Jesus that you want to tattoo Him on your elbows and feet.
Be ready to be honest in your dry valleys and to rejoice on the mountaintop.
Both help you grow and both have significance in our lives.

The winter and fall teach you to grow deep roots into God even when you don’t feel Him; and the summer and spring are those powerful weeks of blooming fruits and plentiful harvest that will have you laughing and weeping at the same time.
Soon you’ll also see, loving Jesus is not even really upto you because He’s the one who woos, who draws, who beckons, who calls.

He’s the one who always shows up. He is not phased by you or the drama you bring into your daily life. He is not surprised by your darkness. He does not get bored or exasperated or want something more beautiful to look at. You’re it! You’re really just it.
He never takes His eyes off of you. They  don’t wander or stray. He watches you because He is wild about you.

Loving Him is the easy part.
God loving you, cost Him His Son.

And the more you know that it’s less about you, the more free you will be to love God all the more.

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

Psalm 27:4

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