Tag: story

therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1


You messed up again didn’t you? Even after you promised you wouldn’t? Even after you said this time would be different? You fell again! I’m

You will never win

You’ll never win

Look at you, trying to dream big. You think no one’s tried this before? You think you can be better than the others? Look at

Happy new year
Our Writings

Happy new day of January to you

“New Year, New Me” “2018 was rough, but I’m leaving all that negativity behind.” “2019 is going to be the year I get fit” “I

take this gift from God
Our Writings

Would you take this gift from me?

The story of Jesus coming isn’t a pretty ‘Christian’ story. It’s not prim, proper or ideal when we think about kings and what they deserve. Not the

The inconvenience of Christmas
Our Writings

The inconvenience of Christmas

I’ve been thinking about the story of Mary this Christmas season. I wonder how inconvenient God’s will in Mary’s life must have been. Do you ever

Our Writings

Your map is different

Honesty moment: It’s really hard to look at the journey of other people and not compare it to your own. I’ve been subject to that

who is Justus in the Bible?
They said it

Who is Justus from the Bible?

“After Jesus left, the ones who were following Him decided they needed to add another apostle to replace the ‘bad’ Judas. The requirements were pretty

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