When the enemy fights you with discouragement, do not worry

April 16, 2019

Several months ago I was dealing with the crippling weight of discouragement.

It came out of nowhere (and was honestly something I never thought I would battle with) and it began bleeding into everything – my work, my relationships, my self-worth, and morale. The thoughts were pretty irrational but I believed them.

I ate those thoughts up. I made the mistake of believing that because I felt it then it must be true.

Believe me – this is a lie from the pit of hell and I’m just calling it out into the light.

Your feelings do not equal reality.

You can really take the word “discouragement” out of that paragraph and replace it with whatever word you like.

Fear. Anger. Envy. Depression. Laziness. Idleness. Comparison.

All of these things, no matter what name you give them, show up to steal life from you and steal it without mercy. They are the opposite of abundance. They are soul-sucking and they are the things that make our faith a fight as we grow older.

There is a force, a very real force, that wants us to have no faith at all.

And so it will show up in any form or fashion necessary in order to trip us, stop us, break us down and leave us lifeless.

If the enemy is trying to cripple you with a feeling, be it fear or discouragement or anxiety or worry then there is a very good chance God wants (and plans for you) to thrive in the opposite feeling.

If you experience fear, He wants you to encounter love.

If you experience the feeling of scarcity, He wants you to discover abundance.

As I’ve struggled with discouragement and despair, I now know it is for a purpose and because I am meant to thrive as an encourager of others. I’m meant to be a light in a dark world and not succumb to the feeling that I’m stuck in the dark while everyone else is out dancing in the light. Feelings are feelings— let them pass and root yourself in unshakeable things.

If your stuck in your feelings tonight then remember these few things as you show up for your week:-

1) You are not your feelings

2) While the feelings feel real, they are not truth

You are a child of God. You are chosen and you are seen– even when the enemy tries to tell you otherwise.

3) You’re not alone

There are many other travelers along the road. If you bring it out into the light, then others can walk with you.

4) God has more for you.

I would challenge you to dig into the opposite of the feeling you’re facing. Maybe that’s the season you’re about to walk into or that’s the season the enemy would give or do anything to hold you back from.

Press on friend. Good things are coming. It’s not over yet.

for we walk by Faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7

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