How do you survive the desert? When you feel like God is dragging you on a wild goose chase? When the only thing getting you through each day is you telling yourself that there’s a purpose for all of it, but you still find that ‘finally’ is another step away even though you thought you could almost touch it?
You find the answer in Jacob’s story. Just when you think God is going to lead him into the reason for his wandering, you find that Jacob spends a few ‘pointless’ years wandering some more and living a simple life before God calls him back home.
It’s not the most encouraging or romantic thing to read, and at one point Jacob even wrestles with God.
Reading through the wandering, I wondered if I would have the same patience or faith as Jacob. I know I haven’t in the past.
So what was his secret?
He built altars in the desert.
It wasn’t about how God would show up, it was about how He was, and who He is. The hope doesn’t have to be anchored in the ending because our Jesus is timeless.
The difference between Jacob and I is that Jacob didn’t keep saying, “He’s going to show up.”
He was praising God in the desert instead of looking for the way out.
Am I living so much in expectancy that I have forgotten how to see God in front of me?
Am I surviving on what God will do or what He is doing?
Am I too busy resenting Him for not moving yet or do I see the desert as Him moving me closer to His promise every day?
I just know this – I want to be a better altar builder.

6 Responses
Amazing post!
Thank you Rahel 🙂
Truly blessed.
True perspective! Blessed 🙂