Waiting on Your Calling

August 1, 2017

How often do we dream and feel called to something only to find that we stay still, that doors don’t open, that nothing changes? How often does God command us to ready ourselves, sending us scrambling to prepare for what’s coming only to find we have to wait a little longer?

I wonder how often we miss the pivotal moments in our lives that we’ll eventually look back on and say, “Oh! Now I see what God did there.”

I love how in the First book of Samuel, David, the shepherd boy, is anointed by God through the prophet, Samuel, and nothing changes. In fact, the king only calls on him to play the lyre to ease his nightmares because David is known to be a man of God. David wasn’t anointed by God to be king and then immediately made king – he had to wait. I can only imagine the frustration he must have felt.

Then there’s the way that David wasn’t a warrior in the battle against Goliath the giant. He was merely obeying his father and bringing his brother’s food while they fought in Saul’s army.

I wonder how often we overlook the very things that are catalyst to all that God has planned for us just because it doesn’t look the way we expected it to. So often, we forget God in the process of becoming what he wants us to be.

Today I pray for a heart that can learn how to eagerly wait, a heart that is expectant in the mundane. I pray for a heart that is ready, no matter how long it takes. I pray for a heart that is thankful for all the small catalytic moments, a heart that isn’t so focused on where I’m going that I miss any of the fine tuning it took me to get there.

There’s a purpose in the pruning, and there’s a wisdom that comes from waiting. And God is still working out the immeasurably more.

Believe it always.

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